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Rehab Client Expectations and Consent Form

Please fill out the form below as completely as possible!

Welcome to MVMC Rehabilitation Department!

To ensure the best possible experience for you and your pet, a few guidelines are listed below:

  • Upon your arrival at MVMC, please call from the parking lot to alert the reception staff that you are here for your appointment. We have five dedicated parking spots closest to the rehab gym, on the far right of the last row of the parking lot near our MRI trailer. A rehab team member will meet you at your vehicle to collect your pet.
  • An updated history is taken at the beginning of each session. We will want to know how your pet is doing with their home exercises and what medications are being given. If you have more extensive concerns, we encourage you to email us at rehab@mvmc.vet prior to the appointment so that we may be prepared to address them.
  • To ensure everyone’s safety, we do not allow owners into the gym during therapy sessions. We will meet with you before and after their sessions to discuss exercises and their progress. We also try to take lots of pictures and videos to share!
  • Our goal is for your pet to be tired but not overly sore after the session. If you feel your pet is sore more than 24 hours after their session, please notify us. We will help you navigate appropriate medication and rest and adjust our plan for the following session.
  • Please make sure your pet has urinated and defecated prior to rehabilitation sessions. We prefer to spend your pet’s session time working out rather than cleaning up after an accident.
  • When a pet defecates in the underwater treadmill, it is a 4-hour clean-up process and unfortunately, all hydrotherapy sessions during that time frame need to be cancelled. Repeat offenders may not be allowed in the underwater facilities.
  • To maximize our time working with your pet, we will not be able to address other medical concerns during the rehabilitation session. If you have concerns about infections, we encourage you to contact your primary care veterinarian prior to attending a rehab session. If it is something more urgent, a member of our ER team (available 24/7) is available for advice or an examination and treatment options.
  • Please be advised that any patient experiencing the following medical conditions within 48 hours prior to the rehab session will not be permitted to use the underwater treadmill:
    • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
    • Skin/nail bed infections, open wounds, hotspots
    • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Please call, text or email if you are running late for your appointment. Late arrival will result in a shortened session or may necessitate rescheduling of your appointment. A “No Show/No call” for a scheduled appointment will result in forfeiting of a session.
  • We understand that life happens. If you need to change or cancel an appointment, we request at least 24 hours notice. Repeated late cancellations may result in forfeiting a session.
  • If the weather is such that it would impact the benefit of a therapy session (excessively hot and humid or snowy/icy), please contact us if you wish to reschedule. Our greatest concern is the well-being of your pet!

Please help us to be able to offer this service to all our patients by adhering to the above policies and guidelines. We look forward to seeing you soon and working with your pet!

By participating in a rehab session, I accept and agree to the terms of the consent for treatment and hereby acknowledge and agree to the above statements and authorize the therapist, or appointed assistant selected or supervised by the therapist, to provide rehabilitation or hydrotherapy for my pet.

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